How might the future of accessible design look with the emerging technology of AI?

6 Mar 2025
‘The following article was produced by Paul Oldfield, a qualified architect who helps run Edward Architects accessible design team working alongside Court of Protection Lawyers, Case managers and Occupational Therapists. The team have completed over 70 adaptations across the UK and are fast gaining a reputation as a leading consultant and source of knowledge in this specialist field. Paul looks at how might the future of accessible design look with the emerging technology of AI’;
 I am a firm believer that it is never too early to investigate emerging technologies and their potential impact on our profession. Having spent the last four years working in accessible design, I’ve noted firsthand how technical advances are already benefiting our clients. These range from automated doors that wheelchair users can control via an app, modern hoist systems or electrically operated rise-and-fall kitchens, all making a significant difference in promoting independence and improving quality of life.
AI is evolving rapidly and holds immense potential, but it is very much in its early stages. We have to ask: how can AI play a role in enhancing the lives of individuals with disabilities and create a better standard of living.
Many homes are currently equipped with voice-operated assistant such as Alexa or Siri. The next stage of this will involve fully integrated smart homes with voice recognition that can provide services such as opening doors, operating showers or adjusting room temperature. Another technology that is gaining traction is obstacle detection in cars. It’s arguably not difficult to imagine a world where this is integrated within a home, helping those with visual impairments detect obstacles through audio or haptic feedback. These technologies could merge and allow wheelchair users to issue voice commands that automatically navigate their wheelchair to a specific location.
Integrating AI into a property can automatically monitor an individual and establish any additional requirements they might need and predict future needs. This could be as simple as turning on the correct level of lighting based on external conditions and requirements of the user, all the way to long-term monitoring and suggesting future adaptations that would be required.
AI technology can be utilized as a simulation tool which will allow users with disabilities to interact with a design and seamlessly select products for their home. As designers we can look to the future and begin to plan using VR headsets which will allow full immersion. Too many clients have encountered the frustrating reality of purchasing a home that isn’t accessible. With AI and VR, they could view the existing home and explore the potential design modifications before making a decision.
Additionally, AI could simplify the building design drawings for those with cognitive or language barriers, ensuring this process is inclusive to all. Accessible design has to go beyond making a home compatible for a wheelchair user and needs to be modern and stylish to suit the end user. By ensuring the client can fully grasp the design at the early stages we can ensure we are designing for the individual.
The contractors we have worked with have consistently gone above and beyond to integrate the current technologies we have introduced. We believe the emerging features we envision are not as far away as anticipated and we are optimistic they will become available sooner than expected.
Ultimately the aim of integrating technology and AI proactively is to create environments that allow our clients to be equals, free from accessibility issues or communication barriers. Thus creating inclusive spaces that enhance the lives of those with disabilities.


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