Workpods, Doncaster

South Yorkshire

This £10m scheme at Doncaster International Business Park provides over 62,000 sq.ft of office space comprising innovative Workpod office units of 1,450 sq.ft and 1,600 sq.ft in combinations of two, three and four-unit block configurations. The scheme is estimated to have created more than 130 jobs, providing environmentally sustainable office accommodation for 134 staff. Designed to achieve a BREEAM ‘very good’ rating through a ‘fabric first’ approach to energy efficiency, using the structure of the building to retain heat, rather than relying on renewable energy devices such as solar panels and ground-source heat-pumps. With super-high insulation, high levels of air-tightness, large windows and north-facing roof lights to harvest the sun’s energy, the office units retain maximum heat inside the buildings whilst avoiding over-heating in the warmer months. This innovative design was recognised when the project won the ‘RISE’ 2017 Design, Innovation & Creativity Award.

Decision makers
Problem solvers

© Edward Architects.

Site by The Bigger Boat